INCOIS-Real time Automatic Weather Station(IRAWS) dataset - Quality control and significance of height correction


The INCOIS-Real time Automatic Weather Station(IRAWS) program was started in the year 2009 and was first installed onboard ORV Sagar Nidhi. Currently, there are 36 ships carrying IRAWS setup. Apart from storing one minute observations in the log onboard the ship, hourly averaged observations are reported through INSAT satellite communication. This report briefs about the hourly dataset of IRAWS and its quality control. In this report, QC results of SST and all meteorological parameters except radiation parameters is discussed. Specific quality check was applied to wind speed (WS) and sea surface temperature (SST) observations. The WS observations measured onboard few ships had a dimensional correction and SST was observed only on few ships. As SST observations are required to compute meteorological variables like DBT, RH, WS to standard height of 10 m, level-3 dataset of AVHRR SST was utilized in place of IRAWS SST wherever the data is found to be faulty. On similar terms bias correction could not be applied to IRAWS SST with the help of AVHRR SST as the error in SST observations are due to the failure of sensor. However all those IRAWS SST observations that passed the QC check were observed to be of high quality and have a correlation coefficient of 0.5 with AVHRR SST and is significant at 95% significant level. Apart from SST and radiation observations, all other parameters observations are found out to be of good quality with 70 to 90 QC pass percentage . Apart from the details of QC check, significance of representing climate variable at a homogeneous standard height is also shown in this repor

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