High Resolution Validation of Next Generation Turbulent Flow Models Using Neutron Beams, Laser Fluorescence, and Cryogenic Helium


Turbulent fluid flow is an incredibly unpredictable subject that continues to confound scientists and engineers. All of the empirical data that has been the basis of conventional turbulent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models for decades only extends to roughly the equivalent turbulence created when Michael Phelps swims in a pool. The problem is that this data is then extrapolated out many orders of magnitude in order to design cruise ships, airplanes, and rockets which operate in significantly more turbulent flow regimes. This creates an incredible degree of uncertainty in the design process that demands over-engineering and increased expenditures. The development of a new technique that allows scientists to capture high resolution flow data for extremely turbulent conditions as a function of three-dimensional space and time could revolutionize the aerospace industry. A proof of principle experiment has been developed that utilizes the unique properties of superfluid cryogenic helium and metastable helium-2 excimers to directly image turbulent flow on the scale of tens of microns. By scaling this technique up, a new generation of turbulent flow models will be created for the modern age

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