In Ihis study, an electrophoretic comparison 01 serum blood proteins of two species 01 fish, Cspoeta trulla
and Capoels capoeta umbls, were carried out. Study was carried between june and october in 1997. Using the Ran·
dom Sampling Method, 92 C. capos's umbla and 86 C. trutta which the same age and sex were used. The iden·
dification of species and subspecies were done though their metric and meristic characteristics. While 16 band pat·
tern was observed in C. trutta, the number 01 protein bands for C. capoeta umbla was 11 . From the electrophorelic
mobility 8 bands of species gave similar pattern, but the rest was seen to be different. As a result, we concluded that,
there is a %50 similarity between C. trulta and C. capoeta umbla based on their serum blood proteins.Bu ara~IIfITla haziran ile ekim 1997 tarihleri arasmda gergekle~tirildi. Ar~t,"Tlada, y,*lan ve cinsiyetleri aynl
alan 92 adet Capoeta caposts umbJa ve 86 adet Capoet8 tlUtta kullanllch. SOz konusu ballklann metrik ve meristik de·
gerierine gOre klasik olarak tur ve all lOr tespili yaplldl. C. IlUtta ve C. capoela umbla'iann kan serum proteinlerinin
SOS·Poliakriiamid Jel Elektroforez (SOS·PAGE) yOntemi ile incelenerek yapllan fUr ve alt tOr 9all~maslnda , C. tlUtt{
J'd8 16, C. capoeta umbla'da ise 11 protein bandl tespit edildi. C. trutta'nln eleklroforegrammda diger lOre gOre 8
farkl1 protein band! gOzlendi. Bunun yanl sira 8 aOOt protein bandl bu iki ballk arasmda benzerlik gOsterdi. SOS-PAGE
lie elde edilen verilere gOre, C. tlUtta va C. capoeta umbla arasmda eleklroforegamda olu$an protein banllan baklmmdan
%50'lik farkllllk tasp!1 edilmi~ ve bunun laksOrlOmik ayldan Onemfi ofdugu sonucuna vanlml~tlr