Coping with and addressing the risks of children TV and online devices usage: A review and proposal of guidelines for parents


Children start to be heavy users of media and connected devices as young as 5 years old. This widespread change of habits, while it is regarded as an opportunity for enhanced learning and acquisition of digital literacy, also raises concerns about the impact that is having and may have in the near future of children's health, development and exposure to risks. Parents have to cope with these concerns and address these risks as part of their duties. “Parental Mediation" is the management of the relation of children with media and online devices. Parental mediation is a form of socialization as parents influence their children’s behaviors and attitudes related to technology. This paper analyzes the risks and implications of the growing exposure of children to tech, goes through a number of studies on parental mediation, and proposes a set of guidelines for parental mediation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

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