A Simulation Model of Dietary Competition in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park


Interactive feeding among a group of vertebrates in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park was simulated. Consumer density, biomass production, consumer consumption rates, and seasonal food habits of adults of each species were calculated using field or literature values. The consumers included the European wild hog, black bear, raccoon, wild turkey, white-tailed deer, three sciurid species, and several rodents. The sciurids and rodents were considered as two respective canonical groups making a total of seven consumer groups. Literature values of requisite parameters from various studies, primarily in the Southeast, were utilized. These values were allowed to vary randomly. Simulations were run for five years at one-half month intervals with a four year comparison period. Mast and fungi were the most limited foods with various fruits also being rare. Grasses, various browse species, roots, blueberry, and animal foods were the most abundant. The European wild hog did not compete with the other consumers even when their population size was doubled. The sciurids were the major competitors. The black bear was the consumer best able to cope with the vicissitudes of life in the Park; however, all consumers gave evidence of being able to usually find enough to eat by relying on alternative foods. Suggestions for future research in the Park and improvements in the model are discussed

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