The Transition to Neotraditionalism: The Case of Huntersville, North Carolina


Troubled by the impacts associated with conventional development, the suburban community of Huntersville, North Carolina responded to metropolitan sprawl by adopting strict neotraditional development codes. Although a growing number of municipalities have begun to allow traditional neighborhood developments, few have completely reformed their zoning laws the way Huntersville did in the early 1990s. This thesis asked why Huntersville made the transition to neotraditionalism and what were the consequences of such a drastic step? A number of factors converged, including a rapid build-up of growth pressures and the timely arrival of new urbanist planning philosophies to spur Huntersville’s decision. Crucially, however, widespread support from the citizenry allowed the town government to ignore developer opposition and complete the transition. The town’s decision had a number of unforeseen consequences, including increased approval time for developments, increased economic segregation, and the appearance of “neotraditional hybrids,” that is, developments that only partly followed neotraditional principles. The town’s open space goals also came into conflict with is affordable housing and diversity goals. The town modified its codes once it realized that not every neotraditional planning principle had its intended effect or was conducive to the town’s development goals. Nonetheless, its tier-based zoning system, emphasis on pedestrian-oriented development, open space preservation, and encouragement of good architecture have identified Huntersville as a progressive community. The town offers a number of important lessons to other communities trying to manage growth

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