MODELING PRACTICE Immersive Design Methodologies


Modeling Practice is centered around an immersive methodology that connects the architect to the process of making. The value of reflection and a consciousness of methodology are intrinsic layers of thought throughout. The act of building influences the process of design. The experience of creating is as important as the final result. The practice of creating architecture comes with a range of limitations, notably a disconnection from the building process, and in many cases an insubstantial amount of time to interact with the site and surroundings in which the project is located. Throughout many years of working in the profession, the awareness of these particular hindrances to practicing architecture in a fully engaged and fulfilling manner have become prevalent. Prior to the pursuit of an advanced education in architecture, the commencement of a separate, slower endeavor to build a home sparked ideas that lead to the alternative methods of operating that this study investigates. Modeling Practice sets up an immersive methodology that connects the architect to the process of making and building while utilizing a unique studio environment and a site that has been explored, transformed, and reflected upon by the architect over the last seven years. Practice in this manner can be described as unmediated, as there are no time limits of construction, no clients to contend with, and no outside contractors; each decision is made by the architect, and each act of the process is either performed by the architect or directly under the architect’s supervision. The role of the architect is rewritten. The architect investigates, designs, and constructs. The architect is immersed in the site and in the process of creating architecture

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