Some Instances of Ic1/Ic5 Interaction in Post-Tonal Music (and Their \u3ci\u3eTonnetz\u3c/i\u3e Representations)


Drawing on the author’s Dual Interval Space methodology, this essay uses a Tonnetz model to explore the interaction of interval classes 1 and 5 in pieces by Bartók, Stravinsky, and Webern. The analyses attest to the importance of ic1/ic5 pairing for a significant range of post-tonal music, while illuminating processes and relationships that transcend the standard pitch-class operations. In addition, the analyses demonstrate that a generalized Tonnetz model, freed from its customary associations with voice-leading smoothness, can serve as a compelling means for interpreting post-tonal music. This article is part of a special, serialized feature: A Music-Theoretical Matrix: Essays in Honor of Allen Forte (Part V)

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