Biodiversity and complementary feeding practices of children in the north west region of Cameroon


Data from Northwest Region (rural) agro-ecological zone is Tropics lowland, warm Tree Crop farming system. West-African food composition table is used Stadlmayr B, et al. (2012) West-African Food Composition Table. (Rome), p 148. Species consumed were identified using ICRAF data for Cameroun and World Vegetable Centre, Yaoundé, Cameroon Only mothers with children between 12-23 months were interviewed. Households were first visited to inform the mother/caregiver on the study background and objectives after which consent to participate was asked by reading out a consent form. Only upon agreement and subsequent signing of the form, an interview was conducted. The study was approved by ethics Clearance Committee, Yaoundé, Cameroon. Food and drink intake was assessed using a 2 day interview-administered 24-hour recall. Composition of food was obtained from FAO (2012). West African Food Composition Table, FAO, Rome, Italy and species were identified at World Vegetable Centre, Yaoundé, Cameroo

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