Development of a Cellular Fiber Spinning Technology for Regenerative Medicine


In order to prove that our textile hollow fiber spinning apparatus was adequate for cellular encapsulation, we confirmed the viability and metabolic activity of green fluorescent protein (GFP) labeled bovine mammary epithelial cells (MAC-Ts) that were encapsulated in either the wall or lumen of alginate fibers. After a 21 day in vitro macroscopic evaluation, no decrease in fluorescence was observed; and it was determined that MAC-Ts encapsulated under both methods produced lactic acid and consumed glucose. Histomorphological analyses revealed that the diameter of the MAC-Ts increased under both encapsulation scenarios, with little to no evidence of cell cluster propagation. Based on our findings within this feasibility study, we posit that our spinning apparatus can be used to encapsulate cells, and will suffice as an enabling technology for use in regenerative medicine

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