Project proposal on funding for parks


This study will look at state and county level parks and see what and if there are alternative funding solutions for these parks. We will interview officials and administrators of two parks, while using surveys to gather information about visitors of the parks. The interviews that we will use for the park officials and administrators will be semi-structured. When it comes to analyzing the data we receive from the interviews, we will use three techniques: member checking, qualitative coding, and developing themes. The second method we plan on using is surveys of park visitors. We want to conduct exit surveys with visitors of two different parks, one local and one state. Approximately 200 surveys will be collected from those visiting Table Rock State Park and Nettles Park in Clemson. This will give us a good summary of what people would like and not like. From these results we would be able to make inferences about the population of park visitors, and would we be able to advise parks which funding alternatives would be successful and unsuccessful

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