Entrepreneurship in Research Workshop: Elevator Pitch Training


This workshop was hosted by leading entrepreneurial-minded researchers in the Clemson University Bioengineering Department with the main goal to give researchers, both students and faculty, the opportunity to learn how to pitch their idea to any stakeholder. David Huizenga, President and CTO of TAO Life Sciences, a leading technology advancement firm who just obtained space in the Bioengineering satellite campus at CUBEInC. in Greenville, SC, started off the workshop in leading an interactive session, highlighting the important concepts he looks for in an elevator pitch. Five teams were then formed around technologies seeking commercialization, and a half-hour was spent developing a 1-minute elevator pitch video. Each of these videos was then presented to the audience, which included students, faculty, and industry partners, who provided feedback to the teams. The workshop was concluded with expectation to see every attendee at the April 22nd Research and Industry Forum with improved pitches that will capture any stakeholder’s attention to the remarkable research being performed at Clemson University

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