Selection of wintering habitats by bats in the South Carolina Piedmont


Bats are nocturnal and elusive, and can travel large distances in search of food. For these reasons and more, little is known about their natural history and behavior, even though they are found all over the globe. Many studies have been done to discover their roosting sites and overall ecological niche, but these studies have been conducted in the summer when the bats are most active. Little is known about where they go and their activity in the winter except for large colonies that dwell in caves, mines, tunnels and other structures. This study focused on learning what habitat types bats use during January - March. Ultrasonic detectors were used to record bat echolocation calls and were placed in three different habitat types: mature hardwood forests, mature pine stands, and open fields. Preliminary results suggest more activity in pine stands than in hardwood forests. This might be due to a reduction in heat loss from the protection of the pine needle canopy. This means bats expend less energy while not in torpor, which gives them a better chance of making it through the winter

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