
Post harvest losses of rice in the Dominican Republic


A national survey of post-harvest losses of rice was conducted in the Dominican Republic during the period March· November 1979. Quantitative and qualitative losses during harvesting, milling and storage of rice were studied and an attempt was made to assess their economic value. Recorded losses due to inefficient harvesting and threshing practices totalled 18.1 per cent. At the rice mills significant breakage of grains occurred when sun dried rice was milled. lt was estimated that millers using this drying method were losing, on average, 9.75 per cent of the value of the product because of the lower grade obtained. The milling process itself appeared to cause no significant losses of quantity or quality. An average weight loss of 0.35 per cent, recorded during storage at government warehouses, was attributable mainly to spillage and handling. No insect losses were observed. The loss during storage is small, but the total annual loss is estimated to be 680 metric tons

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