Zimbabwe (2013): Qualitative Segmentation Study on understanding the motivators and barriers to accessing services among women aged 18-49 years who have experienced violence in Zimbabwe
This study sought to understand the barriers and motivation to accessing services among women aged 18-49 years who have experienced violence in Zimbabwe as well as to inform profiling of a women or a girl who access service after experiencing violence. This was a qualitative study design employing in-depth interviews with women and men aged 18 to 49 years residing in both rural and urban Zimbabwe. 36 participants and 4 FGDs were purposively selected to participate in the study. These include 18 partici
pants and 2 FGDs in rural areas and 18 participants and 2 FGDs in urban areas. These also include 8 male participants and 10 female participants for rural areas and 8 male participants and 10 female participants for urban areas