Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Economics-Skopje
The introductory part of this paper explores the articulatory and acoustic features of the sound //, and raises the issue of its origin and position in Slavic languages. The first part of the main section deals with the distribution of the sound // in several Macedonian dialects, as well as Old and Middle Shtokavian dialects, in Serbia and Montenegro, while the second part establishes the status of the sound// in present-day Standard Macedonian and Serbian. Finally, its sociolinguistic role in the process of the codification of the Montenegrin language is briefly outlined.U uvodnom dijelu rada prikazuju se artikulacijska i akustička obilježja glasa // te se otvara pitanje njegova porijekla i položaja u slavenskim jezicima. Prva cjelina rada se bavi rasprostranjenošću glasa // u makedonskim dijalektima te u srednjoštokavskim i staroštokavskim dijalektima na području Srbije i Crne Gore. U drugoj cjelini se utvrđuje status glasa // u suvremenom makedonskom i srpskom standardnom jeziku. Na koncu se ukratko predstavlja i njegova sociolingvistička uloga u procesu kodifikacije crnogorskog jezik