Megacolon imitating emphysema in the course of diaphragmatic hernia


61-year old man with fever, diarrhoea, weight loss has been admitted to the hospital. Nine years earlier an air bubble in the lower part of the left lung was recognised during the chest x-ray, four years later diagnostic studies have shown a megacolon situated in the chest that significantly pressed on the flesh of the left lung and shifted the mediastinum to the right side. At that time the patient did not agree for an operation treatment. He decided for surgery in May 2002. During the operation the presence of an enormous large intestine of the megacolon type has been determined which could be found there due to diaphragm loss. The megacolon and spleen were surgically removed and the injured diaphragm was sutured. After 2 years a clinical and functional examinations of the respiratory system were performed. There was an improvement of the exercise capacity, recession of restriction in functional examinations and an increase in body mass

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