Opieka nad chorym z kłębuszkowym zapaleniem nerek z wykorzystaniem ICNP


Introduction. Patients with glomerulonephritis (GN) require special nursing care that should affect their functioning in the holistic dimension. The aim of the study was to formulate a nursing care plan for a pa­tient with GN using the ICNP® terminology. Materials and methods. The research was conduct­ed at the Clinic of Nephrology, Transplantology and Internal Diseases in the University Clinical Centre in Gdańsk and involved a 32-year-old patient. The research employed the case study method and the technique of the interview, observation, analysis of medical records and measurements. Results and conclusions. A total of 14 ICNP® diagnoses were established and formulated in the patient: impaired kidney function, proteinuria, al­tered blood pressure, peripheral oedema, fatigue, pain, risk for haemorrhaging, risk for medication side effect, risk for infection, relocation stress, anxiety, depressed mood, lack of knowledge of disease, lack of knowledge of dietary regime. The nursing interventions required by the patient included: monitoring of vital signs, participating in the pharmacotherapy, monitoring the intensity of complaints, assessing the patient’s level of knowledge about the disease, self-monitoring and recommendations, as well as health education of the patient

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