

 本研究の目的は,精神科看護師の自己教育力と看護実践および学習ニードの関連,それらに影響する要因を明らかにすることで,主体的に取り組める精神科看護継続教育プログラム作成の資料とすることである.A県の精神科単科の8 病院に勤務する看護師450 名を対象に,自記式質問紙調査を実施した.質問紙の内容は梶田が作成し西村が追加した自己教育力40 項目,日本精神科看護技術協会の看護技術チェックリストをもとに作成した学習ニードと同項目の看護実践40 項目,影響要因としての看護師の背景等である.回収率95.3%であった.自己教育力を数量化した平均点は高い方から側面Ⅰ「成長・発達への志向」,側面Ⅱ「自己の対象化と統制」,側面Ⅲ「学習の技能と基盤」,側面Ⅳ「自信・プライド・安定性」の順で,一般看護師を対象としたデータと同様であった.自己教育力と看護実践の関連は,側面Ⅲの項目に多かった.自己教育力総得点に対しても側面Ⅲは最も高い相関を示し,精神科看護師の自己教育力を高め看護実践を向上させるためには「学習の技能と基盤」を高めることが必要といえる.特に疑問を文献検索や研究的視点で検討し,文章にまとめるなどの学習技能の支援が必要である.自己教育力と学習ニードの関連は側面Ⅰに多く,「成長・発展への志向」の高い看護師は学習ニードも高い.自己教育力と看護師の背景では性別,尊敬する看護師の有無,継続意志,年齢の数項目に関連があった.年齢では年齢が上がるとともに肯定的回答が少なかった.中堅看護師の自己教育力を高める対策が必要である.自己教育力と学生指導経験,研修会参加,研究発表経験との関連はなく,自己教育力を高め主体的参加に導く体制が必要といえる.The purpose of this research was to elucidate the relationships between the self-education ability of psychiatric nurses and their nursing practice and learning needs, as well as related factor. A self-report questionnaire survey was conducted on 450 nurses working at eight psychiatric hospitals in Prefecture A. Questionnaire items included 40 items on self-education ability by Nishimura, 40 items on learning needs and nursing practice based on the nursing technique checklist developed by the Japanese Psychiatric Nurses Association, and the background of nurses. The response rate was 95.3%. Mean scores for self-education ability was the order of Aspect I“ orientation toward growth and development”, Aspect Ⅱ“objectivization and control of self”, Aspect Ⅲ “learning skills and foundation”, and Aspect Ⅳ “confidence, pride, and stability”. These results were similar to data obtained for general nurses. A relationship between self-education ability and nursing practice was seen for many items in Aspect Ⅲ. Enhancement of the “learning skills and foundation” can therefore be considered essential for improving the nursing practice of psychiatric nurses. A relationship between self-education ability and learning needs was observed for many items in Aspect I, indicating that nurses with a strong “orientation toward growth and development” have more learning needs. Support for learning skills for investigating questions from a research perspective and through literature searches as well as writing skills is particularly important. The number of positive responses decreased as age increased, indicating the need for measures for enhancing the self-education ability of expert nurses. Self-education ability was not related to experience in student guidance, participation in workshops, or experience in research presentation, and a system for improving self-education ability and promoting independent participation was considered necessary in the future

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