
目的 当科では腹膜中皮腫に対してPeritonectomyを用いた集学的治療(術中温熱化学療法(HIPEC),術後早期腹腔内化学療法(EPIC))を施行している.この治療結果を検討し,他施設と比較した.方法 1999年~2006年にPeritonectomyを施行した腹膜中皮腫11症例を対象に検討を加えた. 11例中, 3例に2回, 1例に3回,計16回のペリトネクトミーを, 9例に11回のHIPECを, 4例に6回のEPICを施行した.結果 男女比は7対4,平均年齢52.8±18.2,明らかなアスベスト暴露を4例で認めた. 11例中1例が周術期死亡, 3例が原病死, 7例が生存中である.統計学的検討では生存期間と2回目のPeritonectomy施行に10%の有意差を認めた(P=0.0734). Kaplan-Meier生存曲線からの1, 3, 5年生存率は72.7, 62.3, 62.3%であった.結論 我々と他施設の生存率に文献的考察を加えると, Peritonectomy集学的治療は腹膜中皮腫患者の予後の向上に寄与すると考えられる.AIMS : Recently, the issue of Asbestos-related disease has increased dramatically though out the world. Deaths from mesothelioma are often caused by asbestos exposure. The aim of the study was to present our unit\u27s experience in the treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma between 1999 and 2006. In addition, the data was assessed and validated compared with other peritonectomy units. METHODS : Records of 11 patients with peritoneal mesothelioma were reviewed retrospectively. All patients were treated by cytoreductive surgery with peritonectomy procedures, 4 patients had second and 1 patient had third peritonectomy (in total 16 times peritonectomy). Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Perioperative Chemotherapy (HIPEC) was performed 11 times across 9 patients. Early Postoperative Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (EPIC) was performed 6 times across 4 patients. RESULTS : 4 female and 7 male patients with a mean age of 52.8±18.2 years old were studied. Asbestos exposure was recorded in 4 patients. Overall projected survival at 1, 3 and 5 years were 72.7, 62.3 and 62.3 per cent from Kaplan-Meier survival curve. The most significant positive predictive factor of survival was second peritonectomy (P=0.0734). CONCLUSION : Our unit\u27s survival rate agreed with the experience from other units and supports peritonectomy with HIPEC and EPEC as the gold standard in the treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma worldwide

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