

症例は75歳,女性.MPO-ANCA 関連血管炎に対して半年間,ステロイド薬が投与されていた.4日前から発熱,呼吸困難が出現,意識障害も伴ってきたため,当院を受診した.画像上,両側肺にびまん性の中枢側に有意な浸潤影とすりガラス陰影を認め,急性呼吸促迫症候群(ARDS)の合併を疑われた.人工呼吸管理となり,挿管中に採取した喀痰抗酸菌検査で塗抹陽性,結核菌PCR陽性の結果が得られ,血液や尿からも結核菌が検出され,粟粒結核によるARDS と診断した.治療は入院後の第3病日からINH + RFP + EB による抗結核療法を開始し,人工呼吸管理および血液透析をしながら経過観察をしていたが,播種性血管内凝固症候群も併発し,第14病日に死亡した.ARDS を合併する粟粒結核の症例も散見されることから,鑑別診断に粟粒結核も念頭におきながら診療することが重要と思われた.A 75-year-old woman, who was treated with corticosteroid therapy for six months for MPO-ANCA related vasculitis, visited to our hospital with fever, dyspnea and consciousness disturbance four days ago. She was diagnosed with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) from radiological findings such as diffuse bilateral hilar dominant infiltration shadow and ground-glass opacity. She was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) and put on mechanical ventilation for acute respiratory failure. The aspiration sputum after incubation turned out to be positive for acid-fast bacilli, which were identified as Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) using a polymerase chain reaction test. As the same results in the clinical specimens of peripheral blood and urine were obtained, we made final diagnosis of miliary tuberculosis complicated with ARDS. Although we initiated the anti-tuberculosis treatment using INH, RFP, EB with mechanical ventilation and hemodialysis treatment, she died of multiple organ failure complicated with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Due to the fact, that we have encountered few cases of miliary tuberculosis complicated with ARDS, it is important that we suspect severe miliary tuberculosis in patients with immunosuppressive treatment

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