

 67歳女性.以前より左中大脳動脈・脳底動脈本幹・左海綿静脈洞部内頚動脈に未破裂脳動脈瘤を指摘されていた.突然に激しい頭痛・嘔気が出現し,その5日後に他院でsubarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH)を指摘されたため,当院紹介となった.CT で左シルビウス裂・左大脳半球脳溝を中心にSAH を認めるも,脳幹周囲には認めなかった.緊急DSA では,左中大脳動脈瘤は4.9mm でbleb を伴っていたが,脳底動脈瘤は6.5mm,左内頚動脈瘤は2.9mm で,いずれもblebはなかった.左中大脳動脈瘤の破裂と考え,緊急で同部位にコイル塞栓術を施行し,ほぼ完全閉塞された.しかし,第12病日に突然昏睡状態となり,CT で橋腹側を中心に新たなSAH を認めた.脳底動脈瘤の破裂と診断し,緊急コイル塞栓術を行った.術後意識状態は改善し,NPH に対しVP シャントを追加し,mRS1で自宅退院となった.短期間で2個の動脈瘤が破裂した比較的稀な症例と考えられ,報告する. We report a rare case of recurrent bleeding caused by another cerebral aneurysm during the subacute phase of aneurymal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). A 67-yearold woman developed severe headache and visited our hospital on the 5th day from the onset. Her computed tomography (CT) confirmed SAH, and her angiography revealed three intracranial aneurysms: a 4.9-mm left middle cerebral artery aneurysm (MCA An) with bleb formation, a 6.5-mm basilar trunk aneurysm (BA trunk An) without bleb, and a 2.9-mm internal carotid cavernous sinus aneurysm without bleb. As the SAH was present mostly in the left cerebral hemisphere and left Sylvian fissure without the involvement of the basal cistern. MCA An was thought to bleed. Subsequently, she underwent coil embolization and recovered well. However, she suddenly became comatose on the 12th day from the onset. Her CT showed diffuse SAH localized around the prepontine cistern. Second angiography demonstrated the expanded BA trunk An. Coil embolization was then successfully performed. VP shunt insertion was added for hydrocephalus secondary to SAH, and left our hospital with favorable outcome

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