

哺乳類の嗅覚系ニューロンの一部は生後も新生することが知られている.側脳室前角の脳室下帯で新生した細胞は吻側遊走経路を嗅球に向かって遊走し,嗅球各層のニューロンに分化する.ニューロン新生は再生医学の観点から研究が進んでいるが,神経回路への組み込みなどの分化に関しては未だ不明な点が多い.これは,新生細胞を継時的に追跡した時空間的同定に基づく統合的構造解析の欠如に起因する.そこで本研究は,生後新生するとされる嗅球傍糸球体細胞,顆粒細胞の起源を生体細胞標識法により特定し,標識細胞が遊走し,嗅球に達する過程を正確に同定した後に免疫組織学,電子顕微鏡連続切片三次元再構築,デジタル計測で解析し,新生細胞の遊走と分化の詳細を明らかにすることを目的とした.成体マウス脳室下帯へCell Tracker Orange(CTO)を脳定位的に注入し,1~7日後に灌流固定し矢状断切片を作製,CTO標識された新生細胞が遊走経路に沿って嗅球に到達しているのを確認した.その後,抗CTO抗体を用いた多重免疫染色により経路内の新生細胞の立体構造を同定し,遊走と分化を検討し,また微細構造を透過型電子顕微鏡で解析した.遊走経路のCTO標識細胞はPSA-NCAM陽性で,遊走する新生ニューロンであることを同定した.Neurolucidaによるデジタル形態解析により経路の部位により突起の形態と伸展極性に多様性があることを明らかにした.また嗅球ニューロンのマーカーであるtyrosine hydroxylase(TH)の遺伝子発現が遊走早期に見られる新たな知見をTH-GFPマウスで得た.本研究の生体標識法は遊走と分化の過程を同一標本で確認できる利点があり,遊走しながら形態が変化している.一方,化学的性質を決める遺伝子は,形態変化より前に発現していることがわかり,遺伝子発現と形態の多様性変化について今後の解析課題と言える.In mammals, it is well known that some olfactory neurons are generated in the adult brain. Newly generated cells (NGCs) are continuously born in the subventricular zone (SVZ) at the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle, migrate along the rostral migratory stream (RMS), and differentiate into neurons in olfactory bulb (OB) layers. From the viewpoint of regenerative medicine, adult neurogenesis is attractive and has been investigated by many researchers. It remains to be clarified in detail how these differentiated neurons integrate into the bulbar circuit, however, because few integrative analyses have been done of the structure of NGCs through spatiotemporal identification by tracing during migration from birth to differentiation. Our present study thus aimed to clarify migration and differentiation of NGCs, which differentiate into periglomerular cells and granule cells, by immunohistochemistry, serial-sectioning/reconstruction electron microscopy (serial-EM), and digital morphometry after positive identification of NGCs by vital tracer labeling. First we performed stereotaxic injection of Cell tracker orange (CTO) into the SVZ of adult mice to label NGCs. 1-7days later, fixed brains were cut serially parasagittally. We confirmed CTO-labeled NGCs were distributed and reached the olfactory bulb through the RMS. Thereafter, we identified the threedimensional structure of NGCs, focusing on migration and differentiation using anti-CTO and analyzed ultrastructure by serial-EM. CTO-labeled cells were immunoreactive for polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM), a well-known marker for migrating NGCs. Digital morphology by Neurolucida indicated new findings, showing structural variability of processes, especially polarity of process extension through the RMS. In addition, we clarified that genetic expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a marker for bulbar neurons, was found in the early phase after birth using TH-green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic mice. The present vital cell-labeling approach we used has the advantage of being able to examine the pleural phase of migration and differentiation in the same section, showing structural changes along with migration. Interestingly, genetic expression was expressed earlier than previously reported. Based on the structural results in the present study, it is worth examining the genetic expression of differentiation that determines the chemical coding of neurons and changes in variability of structure in future projects

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