
近年,癌の診断技術の進歩や治療成績の向上に伴い重複癌の報告が増加しているが,同時性4重複癌の頻度は0.21%と稀である.超音波検査によるスクリーニングが診断に有用であった同時性4重複癌の一例を報告する.症例は69歳の男性で肝障害と高血圧で定期通院中であった.増大する無痛性頸部腫瘤を自覚し頸部超音波検査を施行し,転移性リンパ節腫大を疑い,同日に腹部超音波検査を行った.その結果,進行胃癌と進行大腸癌を疑い,消化管精査を開始した.精査の結果,中咽頭癌,食道癌,胃癌,直腸癌の同時性4重複癌であった.最も進行度の高い中咽頭癌から治療を開始し,現在外来通院中であるが,経過は良好である.1990年から2013年の間で医中誌による検索では同時性4重複癌の報告は自験例を含めて15例に過ぎない.その15例で検討を行うと男性に多く,罹患臓器は胃癌と食道(8.8%),または胃癌と直腸の重複(6.9%)と消化管領域での重複を多く認めた.重複癌の発生要因としては飲酒や喫煙などの嗜好品,遺伝的要因が報告されている.飲酒習慣については飲酒後の顔面の紅潮(フラッシャー)は発癌リスクが有意に高まるとされ,本症例でもBrinkman Index 1350,Sake Index 180と高値であり,更にフラッシャーであり複数のリスク因子を認めた.遺伝的要因については家族性大腸腺腫症やLynch症候群での多臓器癌の発症が知られているが,本症例では病理標本での検討の結果,その可能性は否定的であった.癌の治療方針決定においては,進行度の評価が重要となるため,全身のスクリーニングが必要であるが,超音波検査は非侵襲かつ放射線被曝もないことから,スクリーニングに適した検査法と考えられた.According to the recent advancement in diagnosis technique for cancers, the incidence of patients with cancer has been increasing. However, cases with synchronous quadruple cancers are rarely found. In this paper, we report a case of synchronous quadruple cancers located in the pharynx, esophagus, stomach and rectum. A 69-year-old man complained of swelling in the cervical lymph nodes, suspected to be metastasis by cervical ultrasonographic examination. Additionally, advanced gastric cancer and advanced rectal cancer were suspected via an abdominal ultrasonography (US). Thereafter, subsequent detailed examinations revealed the quadruple cancers, including advanced middle pharyngeal cancer, early-stage esophageal cancer, advanced gastric cancer and advanced rectal cancer. Chemoradiation therapy was performed for pharyngeal cancer as a neoadjuvant treatment because it was at the most advanced clinical stage. The patient had a good clinical course after the treatment. In Japan, we identified 14 case reports about synchronous quadruple cancers through the Japan Medical Abstracts Society database between the years 1990 to 2013. Summarizing all these cases, including our case, showed the following findings: male (13 cases) were predominant with a combination of gastric cancer and esophageal cancer (8.8%), or the combination of gastric cancer and rectal cancer (6.9%) were also common. Furthermore, cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption were considered the major risk factors for patients presenting with multiple cancers. Our patient was found to have both risks such as Brinkman Index 1350 and Sake Index 180. The treatment order for patients with cancer should be determined by its clinical stage. Screening examinations for checking metastasis or other organic diseases are important. Ultrasonography (US) is noninvasive and free from radiation exposure and it is a useful modality for patients with cancer

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