胆嚢癌および胆嚢前癌性病変における血液型物質の消長を知る目的で,胆嚢粘膜癌11例,進行癌23例,腺腫9例,異型上皮5例および胆石症13例を用い,免疫組織学的に血液型物質の組織内局在を検討した.その結果,胆石症では血液型物質は胆嚢固有上皮および新生粘液腺にみられ,化生性杯細胞では陽性から陰性まで種々であった.腺腫および異型上皮の大部分は血液型物質陽性であった.また粘膜癌(すべて高分化腺癌)や高分化型進行癌では血液型物質が比較的よく残存していたが,低分化型進行癌では完全に消失したものが多く,組織型との関連性がつよくみられた.なお化生性変化が癌巣内にみられた粘膜癌では,全例血液型物質が残存していた.また血液型物質と粘液組成との関連を知る目的でhigh iron diamine-Alcian blue染色を重染色すると,血液型物質が消失した部にはnon-sulfated acid mucinが多く出現していた.血液型物質の検索は,良悪境界病変の鑑別や胆嚢癌の組織発生の解明に有用と思われ,その意義につき若干の考察を加えた.A.B.O. type blood group antigens in human gallbladders were studied immunohistologically in 11 cases with mucosal carcinoma, 23 cases with advanced carcinoma, 9 cases with adenoma, 5 cases with dysplasia and 13 cases with cholecystolithiasis. Blood group antigens were always detected in proper epithelia and mucous glands in cases with cholecystolithiasis, but were sometimes also detected in metaplastic goblet cells. Most adenoma and dysplasia were positive for these antigens. Mucosal carcinomas and well differentiated advanced carcinomas were occasionally positive for blood group antigens, but poorly differentiated advanced carcinomas were almost always negative. All mucosal carcinomas with metaplastic changes were positive for these antigens. Double staining with blood group antigens and high iron diamine-Alcian blue revealed non-sulfated acid mucin in areas where blood group antigens were lost. Immunohistological investigation of blood group antigens may be useful in differentiating border line lesions and in study of cancer histogenesis