We report new upper limits to the flux of solar-flare positrons in
the energy range 0.2 - 2 MeV. The observations were made during
four solar-particle events in late 1972, with the Caltech Electron/
Isotope Spectrometer on IMP-7. The 0.2 - 2 MeV positron flux is
compared directly to the solar-flare electron (0.2 - 2 MeV) and
proton (1.2 - 27.5 MeV) fluxes measured in the same detector system.
Summing over four solar events, we find e^+/(e^+ + e^-) < 6 x 10^(- 3).
Calculated fluxes of solar-flare positrons for these four events
are well below our upper limits