
Introduction: it is known that adolescence is a period of constant biopsychosocial changes. Based on this premise, it is understood that this population should be included as a priority in health systems, seeking their effective participation through strategies associated with health promotion. Objective: To analyse the participatory process of adolescents in health promotion activities from the perspective of the Bambu Method. Methods: this is a qualitative exploratory study, carried out in two schools located in Crato, Ceará, Brazil. Pupils are from 10 to 19 years old. The study was based on the Bambu Method, which is a means to boost the prospects of the group. It was done by observation of the participant, the environment, the verbal and non-verbal expressions of adolescents and a diary where relevant information was recorded. The organization of data occurred through the content analysis technique proposed by Bardin. Results: it was observed that the opportunity to express themselves with the host led young people to feel more at ease among others and induced the formation of a bond. The participatory process for adolescents was perceived as a process of facing reality and associated with learning, the stimulus for personal development, through the initiative of action, attitude and self-esteem. Conclusion: the Bambu Method proved to be a relevant framework to guide health education activities with groups of adolescents, allowing the development of activities suitable to the needs of the participants

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