Influence of personality traits in coping skills in individuals with bipolar disorder


Background : Bipolar disorder is marked by alterations in coping skills which in turn impacts the disease course. Personality traits are associated with coping skills and for this reason it has been suggested that personality traits of patients with BD may have influence over their coping skills. Objective : To investigate possible associations between coping skills and personality in individuals with bipolar disorder (BD). Methods : Thirty-five euthymic subjects with BD were compared with 40 healthy controls. Coping skills were evaluated using Ways of Coping Checklist Revised and Brief-COPE. Personality traits were assessed by Neo Personality Inventory. MANCOVA was used for between groups comparison. Results : Regarding coping, individuals with BD reported more frequent use of emotion-focused strategies than problem-focused strategies, and high levels of neuroticism and low levels of extroversion and conscientiousness on personality measures. Neuroticism influenced negatively the use of problem-focused strategies, and positively emotion-focused coping. Conscientiousness influenced the use of problem-focused strategies in both groups. There was a significant difference between emotion focused coping and personality traits between BD and control groups. Discussion : Personality traits seem to modulate coping skills and strategies in BD which may be took into account for further interventions.Contexto : O transtorno de humor bipolar (THB) é marcado por estratégias de enfrentamento, ou coping, que determinam comportamentos que podem influenciar negativamente o curso da doença. Traços de personalidade são altamente associados com estratégias de coping, portanto se faz a hipótese de que traços de personalidade influenciem as estratégias de coping de portadores de THB. Objetivo : Este estudo buscou investigar associações entre traços de personalidade e estratégias de coping em pacientes com THB. Métodos : Trinta e cinco participantes eutímicos diagnosticados com THB e 40 controles saudáveis participaram deste estudo. Estratégias de coping foram avaliadas com a Ways of Coping Checklist Revised and Brief – COPE – e traços de personalidade foram avaliados com o Neo Personality Inventory. Resultados : Participantes com THB possuíram padrão de estratégias de coping significativamente mais baseados na emoção. Em termos de traços de personalidade, participantes com THB tiveram significativamente mais características de neuroticismo e reduzidas características de extroversão e consciência. Foram encontradas associações positivas entre índices de neuroticismo e estratégias de coping baseadas em emoções e associações negativas com estratégias baseadas no problema. Conclusão : Traços de personalidade são fundamentais para as estratégias de coping de pacientes com THB, portanto traços de personalidade devem ser considerados alvos terapêuticos para a psicopatologia

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