To be mother and to have AIDS: the original evil reviviscency


O estudo objetivou compreender o significado de estar com AIDS para mães portadoras do HIV/AIDS, identificar as emoções e os modos de enfrentamento decorrentes da relação mãe-filho sadio. Realizado à luz da teoria das representações sociais, teve como resultante "ser mãe" e "estar com AIDS" representado como um processo que não se esgota na doença, mas mostra-se vinculado à polaridade do bem e do mal. Traz ainda a sexualidade como algo que contém essas polaridades e a AIDS, vinculada ao aspecto mal. As mulheres deste estudo mostraram se julgar culpadas de algo e merecem o castigo imposto pela doença.This study aimed to understand the meaning of being with AIDS among HIV/AIDS mothers. It looks for to identify the emotions and the way of cope with the situation as a mother has a healthy son. This study was conducted based on the Social Representations Theory. The findings showed "to be mother" and "to have AIDS" represented as a process that does not finish in the disease itself Also it was found that there is a polarize link between the good and the evil. Indeed, this study brought the sexuality likewise the polarized link, being AIDS linked to evil aspect. These women from this study had perceived themselves as guilty of something, as a result, they deserved the punishment that the AIDS imposed on them

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