Neotropical felid specimens at the Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi: species, distribution, and morphometric data


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi (MPEG), situated at Brazilian state of Pará, houses the third largest South-American mammal scientific collection, being a primary source of information for the study of Amazonian and Neotropical mammalians. The collection holds 245 felid specimens, comprising 210 skulls, 53 skins, 10 skeletons, and two anatomical pieces, representing 90% of wild Brazilian cat species, mainly from localities of Northern Brazil. We presented a list of this material, indexed by the genera and species. We also provided craniodental measurements of all the specimens with skull, and comment on the conservation status of the species and other remarkable data, including the first record of Leopardus tigrinus in the Brazilian state of Rondônia

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