The Principle of Normalization In Human Services


The underlying principles inherent in Normalization have lead to such recent developments as the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons brought into being by the International League of Societies for the Mentally Handicapped. This book is the first one to document normalization from its origins in Scandinavian services to the mentally retarded to its implications to the field of human services. The National Institute on Mental Retardation has published this text to support the current growing interest in normalization concepts and fuller integration of the retarded into the community. This concept is currently having a major impact on the pattern of programming in a number of countries. The views expressed in this book do not neces­sarily reflect the Institute\u27s specific strategies, or those of its sponsor, the Canadian Association for the Mentally Retarded. The publication of The principle of normalization in human services, and earlier of Mental retardation • the law • guardianship and Standards for educators of exceptional children in Canada are examples of the Institute\u27s recently established publishing policy to bring to the attention of a wider public new concepts, innovative programs and reports of studies by the Institute itself and by others in the field of the mentally handicapped and in human services generally.

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