TIPS, Volume 20, No. 4, 5 & 6, and Volume 21, No. 1, 2000/2001


• Reading the Signs of the Times • The Culture of Modernism as a Great Disruption • The Materialism of Mammon • Individualism • Sensualism/Hedonism • The Youth Cult as a Form of Hedonism • Here-and-Now-ism & Time Illiteracy • Externalism • Externalism: General • Externalism: The Please, Please, Please Look at Me Phenomenon • Externalism: Celebrititis • Segmentation & Divisioning • Mundality • Combinations of Elements of Modernism • Miscellaneous Other Peculiar Events & Developments of Our Time • Computerization • Miscellaneous Noteworthy, Strange or Bizarre Computer or Net Phenomena • Computer Ubiquitization • Replacement of Real Reality With Virtual Reality • Computer Technology Aggrandizement, & Even Idolatry • Doing Low-Tech Things Hi-Tech • Net Addiction • The Human Becoming Part of, or Utterly Dependent on, the Computerized Communications Net • Cyberromance • Cyberporn • Other Documented or Asserted Negative Effects or Drawbacks of Computerization • Hackery, Virusery, & Other Net Sabotage • Problems of Technologization & Scientific Arrogance Not Directly Related to Computers • The Media in Modernistic Society, & Their Mind Controlling Impact • Ubiquitization of Western Media & Media Images • People\u27s Environments Filling Up With Media Gadgets • People Imitating Unworthy Things Glimpsed From the Entertainment Media • People\u27s Minds Becoming Dominated, Controlled or Possessed by the Media • Image Replacing Substance & Even Reality On, or Because of, the Media • Miscellaneous Destructive Elements & Impacts of the Entertainment & Related Media • The Creep From Computer & Media Mind Control to Surveillance & Tyranny • Reading the Signs of the Times in Its Art • Music • Representative & Miscellaneous Arts • Concluding Comment on the Signs of the Times • Miscellaneous Human Service News • Other News

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