The basics of bone biology


Koštano tkivo je najzastupljenije potporno tkivo u organizmu čovjeka. Ono izgrađuje koštani sustav čije su funkcije višestruke (potporni uređaj organizma, određuje veličinu i oblik tijela, zaštita organa, pokretanje u prostoru). Koštano tkivo razvija se iz mezenhima složenim procesom osteogeneze. Potonja je rezultat istovremenih procesa izgradnje i razgradnje koštanog tkiva. Izgradnja i razgradnja koštanog tkiva su, promatrajući njihovu svrhu u cjelini, sinergistički i fiziološki uravnoteženi procesi jer oba djeluju u cilju stvaranja i održavanja homeostaze koštanog sustava. Otklon od fiziološke ravnoteže ovih dvaju procesa očituje se u patološkoj osteogenezi pri kojoj je homeostaza u koštanom tkivu narušena, bez obzira na uzrok (osteoartroza, osteoporoza). Mnoga suvremena istraživanja usmjerena su na proučavanje ovih procesa, a njihovi rezultati omogućili su razumijevanje patofizioloških procesa koji zahvaćaju koštano tkivo. Rezultati istraživanja procesa osteoindukcije (koštani morfogenetski proteinii njihovi inhibitori) i osteokondukcije imaju uspješnu primjenu u koštanoj kirurgiji.Bone tissue is the most abundant supporting tissue in the human body. It builds the skeletal system, which performs several functions: it provides the framework of the body, determines the size and shape of the body, protects the organs, and enables movements. Bone tissue develops from the mesenchyme by a complex process of osteogenesis. Osteogenesis results from continuous processes of bone formation and resorption. Bone formation and resorption are, considering their purpose as whole, synergistically and physiologically balanced processes since they both act to create and maintain the skeletal system homeostasis. Physiological imbalance of these processes is evident as pathological osteogenesis when bone tissue homeostasis is disturbed, regardless of the cause (osteoarthrosis, osteoporosis). Many recent investigations have focused on the study of these processes and their results provided understanding of pathophysiological processes which affect bone tissue. The results of investigating osteoinduction (bone morphogenetic proteins and their inhibitors) and osteoconduction have found successful application in bone surgery

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