
OBJEKTIVITAS PEMBERITAAN KASUS PENCUCIAN UANG TERDAKWA AHMAD FATHANAH DALAM SKANDAL SUAP DAGING IMPOR DI MEDIA ONLINE OKEZONE.COM TANGGAL 09, 12, 15, 27 MEI 2013 (Analisis Objektivitas Pemberitaan Kasus Pencucian Uang Terdakwa Ahmad Fathanah Dalam Skandal Suap Daging Impor di Media Online


The purpose of this study was to see How Objective reporting in the media write about the news online accused of money laundering cases in bribery scandal Ahmad Fatanah imported meat with the given period . The method used is quantitative content analysis,Objectivity news and analysis on the test according to the categorization that are customized in a theory that is in use by about 3 Ida Rachma categorization news objectivity . News reports about a case of money laundering defendants in the bribery scandal Ahmad Fatanah imported meat poses of public opinion . Results obtained from the authors carefully 4 news news in writing not objective . On the Accuracy of dimensions there are two news in which there are mixing fact and opinion . While the dimensions of fairness fourth the news very unbalanced karean only use one source of data in each message. And the source of the news coming from the object is not direct perpetrators news . Keywords : objectivity news, bribery scandal ahmad fatanah, imported mea

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