The Croatian village: balance and perspectives


The author analyzes conditions in the Croatian village at a time when many fundamental changes are taking place in Croatia and when the social future must be planned in the light of those changes. He draws the following conclusions: (1) In Croatia the peasantry, as the peasant class, disintegrated and was replaced in the village by several social strata, more or less connected with land ownership. However, within this »remnant of the peasantry« the stratum of modern market farmers is emerging, and they are expected to transform the backward agrarian structure. (2) The size of the family farm has not undergone any essential change and mechanization, and other facets of modernization, have introduced a certain degree of tension that must, in a certain number of farms, lead to production and physical expansion. (3) Rural social groups lost their basic mark of autarky and have become more or less integrated into the overall social tissue. This was contributed to most by several waves of urbanization that spread from cities to the rural area. However, urbanization marginalized great rural areas, and it is an important national task to reintegrate them into the life of the country. (4) Many villages suffered badly in the war for the homeland and their renewall will be hard and demand scientific preparation. (5) In this crisis period the Croatian village can cushion social upheaval, but it will be a terrible mistake if, because of the needs of the whole society, the village is made to carry too great a burden which will block its already incipient transformation

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