Explanation of Judicial Decisions by Administrative Judges


Pravo na pravično suđenje sadrži i implicitna jamstva koja su nastala kroz praksu Europskog suda za zaštitu ljudskih prava, Sud u Strasbourgu je kao sastavni element prava na pravično suđenje ustavnovio i pravo na obrazloženje sudske odluke. Nije dovoljno samo formalno pozvati se ili citirati određene propise kao mjerodavne već su nadležna tijela, a osobito sudovi, dužni obrazložiti na temelju kojih činjenica i okolnosti su utvrdili da su u okolnostima konretnog slučaja ispunjene pretpostavke iz tih propisa.The right to a fair trial also consists essentially of implicit guarantees arising from the practice of the European Court for the Protection of Human Rights. This court in Strasbourg has, in addition to establishing the right to a fair trial, also established the right to an explanation of the judicial decision. It is not enough to merely formally refer to or cite certain regulations as being reliable, but rather, authorized bodies, in particular courts, are obliged to explain the foundation on which the facts and circumstances were based. That this, they must justify that the facts and circumstances of the particular case have fulfilled the presumptions from those regulations

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