Krmne smjese pohranjene u skladišta potrebno je zaštititi od kontaminacije gljivama i njihovim otrovnim sekundarnim metabolitima. Značajni fitopatogeni, koji na zrnju žitarica dospijevaju u skladišta i silose, ubrajaju se Fusarium verticillioides i Fusarium graminearum producenti fumonizina i trihotecena. U ovom je istraživanju ispitana učinkovitost više različitih smjesa tvari antifungalnih i antimikotoksikogenih osobina u supresiji rasta i biosintezi mikotoksina navedenih gljiva u stočnoj hrani. Najbolji učinak u inhibiciji rasta ostvaren je s kombinacijom butiliranog hidroksianisola, propil parabena i timola u ukupnoj koncentraciji od 700 μg g-1. Međutim primjenom navedenih tvari, u dvostruko manjoj koncentraciji, zabilježena je stimulirana biosinteza fumonizina B1 i B2. Kod formuliranja kombinacija optimalnog supresivnog učinka u uvjetima skladištenja treba uzeti u obzir niz činitelja od abiotskih faktora do biotskih interakcija.Concentrate mixtures stored in storages need to be protected from contamination by fungi and their toxic secondary metabolites. Significant phythopathogenic fungi in Croatia are Fusarium verticillioides and Fusarium graminearum producers of trichothecenes and may occur in storages on the grain cereals. In this research, influence of different antifungal and antimycotoxigenic mixtures on growth and mycotoxins synthesis of these fungi was investigated in concentrate mixtures. The most effective inhibition of growth was achieved with a mixture of butylated hydroxyanisol, propyl paraben and thymol in the total concentration of 700 μg g-1. However it was recorded that application of these substances in half the concentration stimulated biosynthesis of fumonisins B1 and B2. Results indicate variety of factors from abiotic conditions to biotic interactions that should be taken into account when formulating combinations with optimal suppressive effect in storage conditions