
Influenza della melatonina sulla riproduzione della specie ovina


The current Doctoral Thesis studied the Influence of melatoninon the reproductive capacity of ovine species in 3 different experimental work .The first experiment assessed the effect of increasing concentration of melatonin during blastocyst post-warming culture on embryo’s ability to restore its functions after cryopreservation. Thereafter, they were vitrified, warmed, and cultured in BSA plus melatonin 10-3,10-6,10-9 M. The melatonin 10-9 M improve the re- expansion and hatching rates, the total cell number and intracellular ATP concentration , with a low oxidative and apoptotic index. Thus, the dose at which the embryos are exposed is pivotal to obtain the desiderate effect. In the second experiment o, was to assess the effect of melatonin deprival on ovarian status and function in sheep. The pinealectomy affect the extention of the breeding season,the mean area of corpus luteum, the progesterone plasma concentration and caused fewer waves and caused during oestrus cycle.The third experiment assessed the influence of melatonin implant in ram, during non-breeding season, in the plasma testosterone and prolactin concentration,in the semen characteristics and in the cryopreservation. The melatonin implant influence positivily the fertilization rate

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