Landscape analysis of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia in Nigeria


The Population Council’s Ending Eclampsia project, with support from USAID, seeks to expand access to proven, underutilized interventions and commodities for the prevention, early detection, and treatment of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia (PE/E) and to strengthen global partnerships. The Council conducted a landscape analysis on PE/E in Nigeria in 2015. Its main objectives were to understand the level of programmatic and policy support for PE/E prevention and treatment; to analyze gaps in providers’ competence to prevent, detect, and manage PE/E; to determine capacity at primary health facilities to manage PE/E; to assess community awareness, beliefs, and experiences around PE/E; to understand the research conducted on PE/E in the last 15 years; and to determine priority areas for research and programmatic interventions. This landscape report provides highlights of the landscape analysis in Nigeria and suggests priority areas for intervention

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