Social accountability for family planning: A case study of the Healthy Action Project in Uganda


In July 2014, the Evidence Project gathered 26 experts for a two-day meeting on Strengthening the Evidence Base on Social Accountability for Improving Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programs. Participants included social accountability experts from diverse fields (governance, maternal health, family planning) as well as researchers, implementers, and activists. The meeting was one of the first public discussions that addressed social accountability in the context of family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH). Meeting participants agreed on the need for case studies of FP/RH initiatives to identify “good practices” in order to advance the application of social accountability to the FP/RH field. The Evidence Project is conducting a case study—in two districts in Uganda—of one such initiative featured at the meeting, namely the Healthy Action Project (HA). This activity brief summarizes the case study and how the HA project improved clients’ access to FP/RH services at the district level through the use of social accountability mechanisms

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