Dirofilaria Repens as a Cause of Subconjunctival Infection in a 77-Years Old Female Patient from Croatia – A Case Report


The zoonotic parasites of the genus Dirofilaria are on the increase as an accidental finding or as a cause of disease in humans worldwide. Human dirofilariasis usually manifests as either subcutaneous infiltrates or lung parenchymal dis- ease, in many cases asymptomatically. We report the case of a 77-year old female patient presenting with irritation and pain in her left eye. Ophthalmologic examination of the temporal part of her left eye revealed motile and threadlike or- ganism, which was surgically extracted and morphologically identified as Dirofilaria. Further molecular diagnostics with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) confirmed that the isolated organism is Dirofilaria repens. Due to already recog- nized autochthonous occurrence of human dirofilariasis in Croatia, human dirofilariasis must be included in the differ- ential diagnosis of patients presenting with subcutaneous nodules, eye affection and other potential manifestations of this disease

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