Snorre Sturlason som balanskonstnär


This article discusses the historical context of Snorri Sturlusonôs work, known as ââ¬ÅKingsô Sagasââ¬Â, its title and structure as well as his purposes and intended audiences. Snorri was not the first to write about Norwegian kings; several authors had treated the same period because their purposes were different. Snorri is very critical of increased central power; the title ââ¬ÅKingsââ¬â¢ Sagasââ¬Â is misleading, since Snorri does not treat kings as the main figures but emphasizes the importance of others: earls, chieftains â and women. The division into kingsââ¬â¢ sagas may well have happened later. The structure of Snorriôs history is revealing; he begins by ridiculing the mythical ââ¬ÅYnglingââ¬Â kings, and ends by belittling king Magnus Erlingsson.à Snorri sought not only to defend old law and the rights of magnates, but also to emphasize the qualities of Icelanders, thereby satisfying both Norwegian and Icelandic audiences. His sophisticated style could satisfy both less and better educated listeners/readers

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