Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Ketandusan Upaya di kalangan Guru di Sekolah Berasrama Penuh


The primary aim of this research was to identify the relationship between teacher's background variables, work overload, role conflict, role ambiguity, social factors and locus of control with three subscales of burnout, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment. This research used the standardized Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-ES) 1996 instrument to measure the degree of burnout among teachers. A sample of 438 teachers from 54 fully residential schools were randomly selected. Researched data were collected through questionnaires sent out through the principals of the selected schools. The data obtained were analysed by using SPSS software program in measuring the frequency of the population for the purpose of describing the population of this study, while T-test, One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Stepwise procedure were used to test the research hypotheses. Multiple Regression analysis "stepwise" showed that six variables which consisted of role ambiguity, locus of control, numbers of students in class, role conflict, teaching experiences and age collectively predicted the phenomenal burnout. Seven variables which consisted of social factors, locus of control, role conflict, marital status, age, teaching experiences and non-core position held. This study discovered that the demographic factors such as type of school, gender, non-core position held, marital status and levels of education are not the predictors of burnout in the aspect of emotional exhaustion. Other work stressors such as work overload, and social factors did not predict emotional exhaustion among teachers in the fully residential schools. Seven variables collectively predicted depersonalization, the variables were social factors, locus of control, role conflict, marital status, teaching experiences and non-core position held. Other demographic variables such as type of school, gender, numbers of student in class, level of education, role ambiguity and work overload did not predict the phenomenal burnout in the aspect of depersonalization among teachers of fully residential schools. While four variables were the predictor of personal accomplishment, the variables were social factors, teaching experiences, non-core positions held, and age. Other variables such as types of school, gender, marital status, numbers of student in class, level of education, workoverload, role conflict, role ambiguity,and locus of control did not predict the personal accomplishment of teachers in the residential schools

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