Satu Kajian Tentang Hubungan Antara Pengurusan Kurikulum Dengan Prestasi Akademik Dalam Organisasi Pendidikan


This research was conducted to investigate whether a systematic and an effective curriculum management system, is being practiced in schools today. Besides, it is also to find out the correlation between a systematic curriculum management and the academic performance of the schools. The respondents of this research were sixty senior teachers and ninety head panel teachers of respective subjects being selected from fifteen Grade A government schools in the Kuala Muda district. Two sets of different questionnaires were used in this research. One set was distributed to the senior teachers and another set was distributed to the head panel teachers, to investigate the curriculum management system being practiced in their schools. The data was processed using the SPSS 10.00 for Windows software and analysed by using the Descriptive Statistic as well as the correlation method to observe the relationship between the curriculum management system and the academic performance. The main findings of this research showed that all schools involved in this research practiced the curriculum management system as suggested and the findings also showed a positive correlation between the curriculum management system and the academic performance of the schools. This finding indicated that the academic performance of the schools would increased as a result of an effective curriculum management system. Suggestions and recommendations were made to all especially those who were involved in the curriculum management at school level, to further analyse and make changes wherever possible to ensure that the maximum effectiveness would be achieved through this system and thus would increase the academic performance of students in their schools

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