
There are two types of mandibular condyle fractures. One is a direct fracture and the other is an indirect fracture. In any event, in many cases of mandibular condyle fractures, small bone fragments are dislocated by the pull of the lateral pterygoid muscle. Occasionally, small fragments deviate from the articular capsule and are found drived into the middle cranial fossa. These cases are treated by two methods. One is closed reduction, inclusively inter-maxillary fixation or physiotherapy, and the other is open reduction. However, there is no unified opinion regarding the indications inasmuch as the age of patients vary and in addition the position of the fracture and the dislocation of the segment differ, and the choice of oral surgeon must be considerd. In this report, a brief outline of the five cases of mandibular condyle fracture are given. The approach was open reduction by the preauricular incision, and the results were favorable

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