聴覚障害を専門とする言語聴覚士養成の緊急性 : 人工内耳装用児の言語・認知神経心理学的諸能力の実態から見た問題点の検討


We investigated with 17 cases of deaf children in born, wearing Cochlear Implants and Having habilitation for 7 years 8 months on the average by the clinical-audiologists using auditoryoral method, for the Speech-language and cognitive-neuropsychological ability of 6 years. It became clear that the achievement level of them were various and had individual differences, so one could catch up normal children in age 3 years, the other had severe retardation in age 9 years. (1) We researched on the factors effected the individual differences, especially concerned about the developmental retardation by using the checklists of Mori. And we got the following results ; the late age of wearing Cochlear Implants, the shortage of habilitation period before the entrance of primary school, the problems of parents (e.g., the difficulty of home training), and in relation for these, the poverty of systematic, continuous and gradual Speech-language habilitation, and also the lack of attention, the retardation of Performance Intelligence Quotient. (2) It was suggested that we should educate Japanese Speech-Therapists intensively who can be the specialists in the field of habilitation for the hearing-impaired children

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