Bringing More to the Table(t): Ideas and Insights for Using Tablets in Instruction


This workshop will focus on resources and strategies for using iPads and other tablet computers specifically in the instruction setting. Attendees that own iPads or other tablet computers are encouraged to bring their devices with them to the workshop, and the workshop facilitators will bring a number of iPads, on loan from their home library and university, to LOEX 2012 in order to ensure that all workshop attendees will be able to gain hands-on experience with the devices. The facilitators, two instruction librarians who use iPads in their personal and professional lives and who are currently editing a book and an issue of Library Technology Reports on the topic, endeavor to create a workshop experience that will touch on the basics of tablet computers and give attendees the opportunity to discuss and try out new ideas for using these devices in instruction. The facilitators will spend the first 10-15 minutes of the workshop reviewing tablet basics, and then focusing the rest of the workshop on specific resources and strategies for engaging students through the use of these devices. Specifically, the workshop will emphasize relevant research apps and mobile databases, tablets as communication tools that can be used in classes in a variety of ways, and different strategies for capitalizing on the general interest in iPads (and other tablets)

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