Seasonal Behavior of Leptospirosis in Horses during a Decade in Camagüey


Background: Leptospirosis is the most widely spread zoonosis during the 2000s. Numerous animal species act as reservoirs of spirochetes. The aim of this research was to establish its seasonal behavior in equines. Methods: In that sense, the data from 1 099 equine serum reactive to Leptospira collected on a monthly basis for 10 years, were used. Seasonal decomposition was performed by the multiplicative method, which helped set seasonality in quarters, according to the proportion of positive reactors for the ten-year period. Results: The greatest proportion of reactors took place in October, November, and December, when the seasonal factor was above 100%. It coincided with the dry period, which did not correspond to most reports on humans and other animal species. Conclusions: Most horses reactive to Leptospira corresponded with the fourth quarter of the period studied: in the dry season, which contrasts most reports. Therefore, further studies should be conducted.Background: Leptospirosis is the most widely spread zoonosis during the 2000s. Numerous animal species act as reservoirs of spirochetes. The aim of this research was to establish its seasonal behavior in equines.Methods: In that sense, the data from 1,099 equine serum reactive to Leptospira collected on a monthly basis for 10 years, were used. Seasonal decomposition was performed by the multiplicative method, which helped set sea-sonality in quarters, according to the proportion of positive reactors for the ten-year period.Results: The greatest proportion of reactors took place in October, November, and December, when the seasonal factor was above 100%. It coincided with the dry period, which did not correspond to most reports on humans and other animal species.Conclusions: Most horses reactive to Leptospira corresponded with the fourth quarter of the period studied: in the dry season, which contrasts most reports. Therefore, further studies should be conducted

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