Challenges of Spatial Planning in Kosovo in Transition Time


Spatial planning refers to the methods used by the public sector to influence the distribution of people and items in the area, always having balanced development in space. Spatial planning for people, land, homes, where we live, learn, heal, work, have fun, public service, and all items have their place. Today, many scientific disciplines are closely related to spatial planning, and through the three main components (social, economic and environmental). In the postmodern time, spatial planning takes place at the local, regional, national, transnational level and often results in the creation of a spatial plan within the state/s. System and spatial planning practices, though vary from one place to another, they have their similarities in content, however, distinguishes the approach and techniques used. Until 2000, spatial planning in Kosovo is developed at a modest scale, concentrated only in urban areas (cities) and master plans (some regions of the country), in postmodern period (after 2000), the system and practices of spatial planning have made progress in general and especially in drafting national spatial strategies and local development strategies and urban however, there are also disadvantages. In this period, spatial planning, despite the progress, there are still many challenges that face every day and particularly local institutions and thus hinder the lives of citizens. In addition, the lack of human capacity, financial and unwillingness of policy-making and decision-making to address this issue so seriously, in the design and implementation of spatial plans, made uncontrolled developments, take shape across municipalities, causing loss of agricultural land, unplanned development, imbalance, degradation of natural and cultural values, rapid population migrations from the countryside to the city, creating urban chaos and making the citizens\u27 lives more difficult

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