Line × Tester analysis for morpho-physiological traits of Zea mays L seedlings


Background:  Zea mays L. is one of the most imperative cereal crop in world after wheat and rice. It is a used as food for human and feed for livestock. To meet the ever increasing demand, maize production can be increased by application of improved agronomic techniques to get varieties with higher qualitative and quantitative traits and resilience to abiotic stresses.Methods: The genetic material was comprised of 8 parents and 12 F1 hybrids. The genotypes were sown in the iron treys filled with sand in three replications following completely randomized design. The data was recorded for fresh root length (FRL), fresh shoot length (FSL), fresh root-to-shoot length ratio (FRSLR), fresh root weight (FRW), fresh shoot weight (FSW), total fresh weight (TFW), fresh root-to-shoot weight ratio (FRSWR), dry root weight (DRW), dry shoot weight (DSW) and total dry weight (TDW), dry root-to-shoot weight ratio (DRSWR), chlorophyll contents (Ch.C), leaf temperature (LT), transpiration rate (E), photosynthetic rate (A), stomata conductance (gs), water use efficiency (WUS) and sub-stomata CO2 concentration (Ci). GCA (general combining ability) and SCA (specific combining ability) were calculated by using Kepmthorn, (1957) technique.  Results: Higher GCA of B-336 variety was recorded for FRL, FRW, FSW, TFW, A and Ci. Higher SCA of EV-1097Q × Pop/209, Sh-139 × Pop/209, EV-1097Q × B-316 and Sh-139 × B-316 varieties was recorded for FRL, FSL, FRW, FSW, TFW, A, Ci, WUE, LT, E and gs.Conclusion: Higher heritability, genetic advance, GCA and SCA had decisive role in selection of drought tolerant maize varieties. F1 hybrids EV-1097Q × Pop/209, Sh-139 × Pop/209, EV-1097Q × B-316 and Sh-139 × B-316 showed higher SCA for all traits that persuaded that these hybrids may be used for higher grain and fodder yield under drought conditions.

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